New Nomads
The fusion
of mobile phones and internet has blurred the distinction between the
two and given rise to voice over internet telephony and mobile
internet. The resulting culture of mobile communications has taken
to the concept of the virtual office to a new level. The culture of
self employment gave rise to the explosion of modular space/service
flexible business centres during the 1990's. However mobile internet
is enabling a growing number of both employed and self employed
people to do away with the office almost entirely. Consultants,
sales people, designers and marketing executives are all using the
portability of laptops and especially mini-laptops combined with
mobile internet to work from cafes, literally on the go. This has
the triple advantage of reducing costs (coffee is cheaper than
monthly floor rental), ensuring employees are connected and exposed
to surrounding trends and provides greater autonomy and mastery at
the individual level.
this new class of nomadic executives meet with one another and their
office bound support staff/suppliers in a physical office on a
regular basis. However, there is no reason to think that even these
meetings will continue forever. The theory that getting together to
maintain the construct of a corporate identity is important does not
actually require such a meeting to take place in an corporate
building. Why not simply meet in a coffee shop, hotel meeting room
or similar environment? When companies want to get innovative or
thoughtful they often go outside their normal place of business
anyway. Indeed the freelancers are leading the way again, as more
and more of them have no real physical office to speak of, beyond
their mobile phone and laptop. Many, including myself, are meeting
their clients, associates and suppliers (accountants, lawyers,
consultants) at their offices or increasingly in coffee shops.
The shift
to a nomadic culture of work is a radical one. Although it may free
us from the strictures of office politics it places much greater
pressure upon individuals to take responsibility for the structure
and use of their own time, whilst also creating a more atomistic
world. The nature of team work is likely to be far more adhoc, cross
functional, project based and unstable as a result. Whilst the face
to face connections that have historically been central to teams may
become more limited by greater use of electronic meetings (Skype,
Gizmo, Google Chat, etc.) and social networking (Facebook, LinkedIn,
Yahoo Messenger, etc.). It also accords greater value to those
people with strong networking and relationship skills, that Belbin
would describe as resource investigators
and Chris Rose would describe
as Prospectors and Pioneers1.
Whilst those who need stability and certainty are simply being left
from routine for some may be liberating, but for others is likely to
be a test of loneliness. Unless some means of providing a common
bond that reaches beyond the extrinsic there will simply be fewer and
fewer reasons to come together physically. In short, unless some
meaning to common enterprise can be found above and beyond profit and
bonuses the glue of the contemporary corporation will simply melt
away. We are already seeing the beginnings of this process as
companies open source their innovation. Effectively shifting large
parts of the R & D function out to a nomadic tribe of freelancers
and small firms existing, to all intents and purposes, on the
This new
nomdaism clearly requires a powerful blend of both relationship
management skills and knowledge. However, what distinguishes
nomadism from previous era's is the need to unite these two skill
sets in one person. A person who may not be able to produce and
deliver all the solutions, but who is able to cluster resources
around innovative ideas, without the boundaries and resources of a
corporate structure. Execution or delivery may well simply be
oustourced, as, for example, Apple have done. Leadership thus
becomes far more significant and simultaneously more complex. Gone
are the days of having a pre-defined tribe of employees to lead. In
the new world followers must be found, motivated and energised
without the leverage of a salary contract, or the certainty of a
large support department. The ability to provide a vision and
effectively communicate across geographical, corporate and
technological boundaries is becoming far more important to commerce
than the ability process and administer data. The days of acquiring
bureaucratic competence to climb the corporate ladder are gone.
Success is at once both harder to define in objective terms, more
fleeting and critically dependent upon a willingness to embrace the
complexity that new nomadism brings.
C., What Makes People
Tick: The Hidden World of Settler, Prospectors and Pioneers,
Leicester, UK: Matador, 2011.
A. & Bronstone A., People,
Place & Global Order: Foundations Of A Networked Political
Economy, London:
Routledge, 2019.
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